Zabs Plumbling
What are the Benefits of Using Hydronic Heating Systems?
benefits of hydronic heating systems

What are the Benefits of Using Hydronic Heating Systems?

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Throughout the decades, various heating technologies have helped families warm up their homes through different innovations. From traditional fireplaces, furnaces, boilers, and electric heaters, these heating solutions have kept us warm and cozy while slowly veering away from the hazards of combustible heat sources.

That said, different means of heating have been developed with the aim of a greener, healthier, and more efficient way to warm, not only homes but also offices alike. The hydronic heating system is one of them.

What is a hydronic heating system you might ask? Hydronic heating uses the heat coming from hot water to warm up enclosed spaces, like residential houses and small commercial buildings. Furthermore, hydronic systems can also be used to cool these structures as the water can also be chilled apart from being heated. It makes for a flexible means of setting the right temperature, along with other benefits.

Interested to find out how hydronic heating system works and what they are? You’re in luck. Today, we look at some of the benefits of hydronic heating and why you should be looking into it if you need a new heating system.

A green and eco-friendly solution

Because the hydronic heating system design uses water and natural gas, it produces minimal emissions which can help in reducing your carbon footprint.

Hydronic heaters are one of the most eco-friendly heating solutions available. That said, hydronic heating panels appeal to many nature conservatives who opt for various heating alternatives that do not harm the environment.

It’s clean and healthy

Hydronic technology creates heat the same way nature does – with natural convection and radiation. It does not create humidity or dry out the air which can cause unpleasant droughts. It is also dust-free and allergen free making it an ideal heating system for homeowners dealing with allergies as well as for medical facilities.

Hydronic systems do not use heated air, so there will be no ducts which can be a breeding ground for bacteria and pathogens that circulate in the air. Especially nowadays, keeping your heating systems free of any microorganisms that can live in your homes and offices.

It’s a safe way of keeping warm

As we’ve briefly covered above, hydronic heating systems uses hot water to create heat. On top of that, it’s also completely sealed with no exposed electrical wires or fire hazards you need to worry about. This is important especially if you have kids at home.

It’s cost-effective

Hydronic heating systems may have a more expensive upfront cost, but its operational costs are 20 percent less than a ducted system. Forced air, ducted heaters can push hot air outside of gaps and other small cracks resulting in loss of heat. Speaking of which, a large duct also results in larger loss of heat. The larger the surface area used by ducts and vents leaves a larger space to be heated compared to a small pipe that will carry heated water.

That said, many homes are now converting to hydronic heaters because it does save them money in the long run. Get in touch with a hydronic heating installer Melbourne to find out more how you can save and improve your heating inside your home.

Speaking of which…

They are durable

These types of heating systems are known not only for being cost-effective but also for being dependable and reliable. Because hydronic heating systems are typically sealed, they will have less moving parts that need to be maintained and replaced frequently. A cast iron hydronic heater will usually last for 25 years or more, especially when quality components are used and when installed by professionals.

They make for great long-term heating solutions because they cost less to operate and a lot less to maintain.

They are quiet heating systems

We’ve all had our fair share of thriller movies where we got scared out of our pants for uncalled air duct noise. That’s actually true, as thin sheet metal ducts expand and contract as the temperature of the air traveling through them rises and falls creating the noise. This can get annoying especially when you’re having a hard time catching some Zs.

You won’t get that when you use hydronic heaters. Heated water does not make as much noise as heated air and the small pipes from where the water courses do not create as much noise and vibration as the ducts on your homes.


Hydronic heating systems are great investments. Despite their expensive upfront costs, they can help you save money while reducing your carbon footprint in the long run. It’s a great alternative for those who want a safe heating system for their families and for mother nature.

To find out more information on hydronic heating and how we can install them in your home contact Zabs Plumbing 0448 177 762 or enquire now online.

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